Agricultural Expertise Center (AEC) is a non-profit NGO registered on July 09, 2020 in Parakou, Republic of Benin. Our goal is to provide communities and vulnerable people with sustainable solutions for food security and the fight against poverty. We promote family farming, technological innovations and combat the effects of climate change. Our main objectives are to fight hunger, poverty and malnutrition in all its forms through inclusive economic, social and humanitarian actions; to promote the development of sustainable agricultural sectors, prioritizing the social, economic and territorial interests of family farms; to make family farming and agricultural value chains modern, attractive and profitable for young people and women; combat the effects of climate change on the environment and agricultural sectors by supporting local resilience; turn the challenges of climate change into ecological and socio-economic opportunities for the sustainable development of localities; facilitate community access to basic services such as health, education, water, hygiene, sanitation and energy without discrimination. To this end, we have developed a course and tools to support agricultural value chain players in Africa to put their interventions in agricultural value chains at the center of the SDGs.
Agricultural Expertise Center (AEC) has decided to address the important issue of agricultural value chains in Africa and their implications for participation in the global economy. Its vision is to enhance the participation of stakeholders in the agricultural value chain for productivity growth and diversification within the sector. For the first edition of our “Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains (CVAD) in the African context” training offer, AEC is launching a call for partnerships addressed to CSOs and structures supporting agricultural value chain players in Africa and around the world. In the spirit of co-organization, we invite interested organizations to submit an online application.
(i) Course learners have the knowledge to improve the productivity of agricultural value chains in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner (SDG 2, SDG 12 and 13).
(ii) Course learners develop innovative agricultural services for strengthening agribusiness and facilitating market access in agricultural value chains (SDG 1, SDG 2, SDG 3 and SDG 8);
(iii) Course learners have the skills to develop sustainable partnerships to make know-how, technologies and skills transfers available to producers (ODD 17).
The deadline for this call is December 25, 2023.
Organizations or structures interested in this call are requested to submit their applications via the following link: https://forms.gle/ppWJcqcg9g94cq626